How to Consolidate College Loans Know The Facts

By Munch, eHow Member 
Most student loans are consolidated after graduation. Consolidating College loans can be confusing. Know the facts about lenders.


Step 1

Lenders have their own agenda. The loans they offer may not be the best choice for you. You may have to shop around to find the best deal. Most lenders work with their preferred provider. If you don't like what is being offered to you then go talk to another lender.

Step 2

Get a fixed rate loan. Fixed rates offer security of knowing what your payment will be. There will be no surprises.

Adjustable rate loans may sound good in the beginning but when they adjust, watch out! A fluctuating loan rate is a scary thing.
Always try to go for a fixed rate instead of a changing rate, without a fixed rate your interest will fluxuate up or down, which ultimately is a big gamble. With a fixed rate you can calculate your loan rate instead of being subjected to changing rates.

Step 3

Don't consolidate your college loan if you it is almost paid off or if you owe very little on it. You will most likely end up paying more interest so stick with the loan you have.

Tips & Warnings
Read all loan documentation before signing, take your time!
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