Student Loan Consolidation Rates
Getting student loan consolidation rates takes a little research. Student loan consolidation rates can be easily found on the internet. You can calculate an estimate of your student loan consolidation rate. A student loan consolidation will allow a student to combine all of his or her student loans into one consolidated student loan. Student loan consolidation rates are available for most all types of federal student loans. Consolidating private student loans can also be done.
Things You'll Need:
Student loan consolidation rates
Student loan debt amounts
1 Record Student Loan Debt and Student Loan Rate
Gather information on all of your student loan debt. Find the student loan rate for each of your student loan debts. Write down the total student loan debt amount and student loan rate.
2 Calculate Student Loan Consolidation Rates
Next calculate the weighted average of the student loan debt interest rates on the student loans you will consolidated into one student loan debt. Multiply each student loan debt amount by its student loan rate. Add the totals together. Divide this number by your total student loan debt amount. Round this number up to the nearest 1/8 of a percent. This will be your estimate of your student loan consolidation rate.
3 Best Student Loan Consolidation Payment
Best student loan consolidation can reduce your monthly payments and help you lock in one low interest rate until you pay off you loan. Best student loan consolidations do not have loan fees or early payment penalties.
4 Student Loan Debt Information
Check the resources below for current student loan consolidation interest rates information.
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